The Mop Shop News of 2019
The season of giving saw an outpouring of gifts to The Mop Shop. Friends, neighbors, businesses, banks, churches and youth groups made generous donations. Special thanks to members of the Jo Daviess 4-H Federation who conducted a cleaning supply drive in memory of Missy, friends from Nashville, TN who sent product from, The Libman Company in Arcola, IL that sent multiple cases of Wonder Mops and brooms and dustpans and Mary Sue Klimstra for her ongoing support. The shelves are fully stocked as we welcome the New Year! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (December 2019)​
Several years ago, The Mop Shop was adopted by the Eagle I's, Eagle Ridge's Ladies Golf League. We have appreciated their enthusiastic and generous support. This August, over 100 ladies from the Galena community and beyond participated in their golf invitational, an annual fundraiser. Their generous donation was presented on December 6 at the Eagle Ridge Inn. Many thanks ladies! (December 2019)
Many thanks to Galena's Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Bed and Breakfast Innkeepers of Galena for their generous donations to The Mop Shop. It is the support of civic organizations such as these that allows The Mop Shop to continue keeping the shelves stocked for those less fortunate in Jo Daviess County. Thank you for your continued interest in and dedication to The Mop Shop! (November 2019)
As we continue our efforts to encourage other communities to establish mop shops, stories of The Mop Shop have appeared this month in the Purdue University Retirees Association newsletter and The Chronicle Magazine at Lewis and Clark College (Portland, OR). I'd welcome opportunities to share our story with others in hopes of meeting our ultimate goal! (November 2019).
Again this year, the congregation of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Scales Mound sponsored Trick or Treat for The Mop Shop. This creative annual event grows in popularity each year! Large black garbage cans with colorful signs serve as receptacles for product at five locations throughout the month of October. Disinfecting wipes, paper towels, multi-surface cleaners, window cleaner, laundry detergent, fabric softener, mops, brooms and buckets filled my car last week! Shelves at The Mop Shop are FULLY stocked! Heartfelt thanks to the congregation at Shepherd of the Hills and the many donors who gave so generously. Special thanks to members of the congregation at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Warren who filled their can to overflowing! (November 2019)​
In recognition of Global Handwashing Day in October, clients were invited to select one of several varieties of Soft Soap. Celebrated each year on October 15, this year's theme is Clean Hands for All! How fun! (October 2019)​
A story on The Mop Shop appeared in the September issue of PURA News, the electronic newsletter sent to Purdue University retirees. It is another effort to reach out to communities at large in hopes that others will be interested in opening mop shops in their own locales. (September 2019)​
The Mop Shop was delighted to welcome Kris Nelson to our warm and welcoming group of volunteers. Welcome to the team Kris! (August 2019) ​
Fill 'er up! Thanks to a generous donor, The Mop Shop received three 25 gallon drums of laundry detergent! Clients have been invited to bring their empty or nearly empty detergent jugs to The Mop Shop for a refill! (August 2019)​
We had twenty-eight clients on August 5, our fifth anniversary. When we opened our doors five years ago, we served 30-32 people each month for the first several months. During the past three years, that number has grown to include as many as 86 clients per month. (August 2019)​
Friends, neighbors, relatives, former colleagues, civic organizations, banks, churches and local businesses made generous donations to The Mop Shop in memory of Missy. Our family has been overwhelmed by the many kind words of comfort and the thoughtfulness and generosity of the community. The support has meant the world to us during this most difficult time. (August 2019) ​
It is with overwhelming grief that I write this. Missy, my sister, my twin, my best friend and co-founder of The Mop Shop, passed away on Friday, July 12. It was her hope that she would live to celebrate the fifth anniversary of The Mop Shop on August 5. Sadly, it was not meant to be. Missy felt strongly about lending a hand to those less fortunate. Thanks to dedicated volunteers and an extraordinarily generous community, The Mop Shop will continue to serve those in need in Jo Daviess county. Missy was so very proud of all those associated with The Mop Shop: the volunteers, the donors, the clients and the many friends and supporters we made during the past five years. Our hope was that this mop shop serve as a template for others....and that mop shops become as prevalent as food pantries. I will strive to reach that's what Missy would have wanted. (July 2019)​
The Mop Shop tends to experience an increase in client visits during the summer months. Last July we had a record high of 86 client visits. This month, we welcomed 78 clients. Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to meet the increase in demand. New and returning clients are always welcome! (June 2019)​
In three months, The Mop Shop will celebrate its fifth anniversary. In recognition of the occasion, clients, volunteers, donors and friends are invited to share their thoughts for publication in a special fifth year anniversary book. Please send your comments to Mindy at by Monday, June 3. The book will be on display at The Mop Shop throughout the month of August. Thanks for your continued interest and support! (May 2019)​
About four times each year, The Mop Shop offers a popular item during the month that is a special give-away. In April, 65 clients, including ten new families, were thrilled to receive a roll of paper towels. Thanks to Tammy Lee at Piggly Wiggly for making the donation that made this possible. She's been a steadfast supporter since we opened our doors nearly five years ago! (April 2019)​
It was a pleasure and privilege to share the story of The Mop Shop with members of the Galena Kiwanis Club on April 9. On display were some of our most sought after products, the framed lists of donors, The Mop Shop anniversary books and our logo. It does take a village to make a difference and we have been blessed with dedicated volunteers and incredibly generous communities! Hats off to the Kiwanis Club for this opportunity! (April 2019)​
As recipients of the 2016 TCEDA NonProfit Collaboration Award, we were honored to be invited to attend the 10th anniversary celebration of Northwest Illinois Economic Development (formerly Tri-County Economic Development). Lisa McCarthy, NWILED executive director, has provided outstanding leadership to existing and start-up businesses through education, demand-based programs and consulting. (March 2019)​
We were pleased to welcome Nikki Sands to The Mop Shop on Monday, February 11. Nikki is a Child Protection Specialist with the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS). She was impressed with our efforts and looks forward to sharing information we provided with clients, colleagues and fellow church members. (February 2019)